JAN 6, 2024: Daily Recap

Day 1 at a glance: Here’s what happened today!

  • Refuse Single-Use Day 

#RefuseSingleUseDay has been a success! 🎉 Across the globe, countless individuals and organizations have united in the commitment to refuse single-use plastics. Their collective voice echoed on social media, showcasing a powerful movement towards sustainability. In joining the wave of change by swapping disposable for durable, we have shown that every small action counts!

Stakeholders’ consultation to discuss the current situation of implementation as per the roadmap to zero waste Ahmedabad document prepared by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation. The event’s aim is to create awareness about the Zero Waste pathway for the city among stakeholders. The way ahead section will help stakeholders plan future strategies to support this campaign.

The forum is designed to equip Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) officers with the necessary knowledge and skills to champion the campaign against single-use plastics actively. The ultimate goal is to catalyze a youth-led campaign advocating for the elimination of single-use plastics. This initiative will culminate in action planning sessions and the commitment pledges of SK officers to reduce the usage of single-use plastics facilitated through the use of self-monitoring forms.

Call to Action

For more information and updates, please check out the IZWM2024 landing page: https://2024-zwmonth.zerowaste.asia