JAN 25: Daily Recap

IZWM at a glance: Here’s what happened today!

Multistakeholder forum on sustainable production and consumption

Citizen Consumer Action Group (CAG) convened different stakeholders in Chennai India to discuss the current consumptive economic framework impacting people and the environment. The forum also covers policy topics including Extended Producers Responsibility in India.

Focus Group Discussion on the “Recommendations on the SOP Implementation of Bandung Mayor’s Distribution Letter” related to managing food and organic wastes in Bandung. 

The FGD was organized by YPBB and participated in by managers of different hotels and restaurants in Bandung. This is part of the larger campaign to promote Zero Wastes solutions including reducing and managing organic wastes at source.

Launch of the Juana Zero Express Store (Zero Waste Sari-sari Store) in Malabon, Philippines

The Juana Zero Express Store aims to promote a business model that promotes Zero Waste principles such as refill and reuse for micro-enterprises at the community level. The Juana Zero store is working with different sari-sari stores (small community business owners) to adopt practices that aim to reduce plastics in their business /operation. 


For more information and updates, please check out the IZWM2024 landing page: https://2024-zwmonth.zerowaste.asia/